Thursday, January 28, 2010

गत्यात्मक ज्योतिष की प्रवर्तिका संगीता पुरी जी से पॉड कास्ट इंटरव्यू

  संगीता पुरी जी

  • उम्र: 46
  • लिंग: स्त्री
  • खगोलीय राशि: धनु         
  • राशि वर्ष: खरगोश
  • स्थान: बोकारो : झारखंड : भारत/
  • आत्म कथ्य :-पोस्‍ट-ग्रेज्‍युएट डिग्री ली है अर्थशास्‍त्र में .. पर सारा जीवन समर्पित कर दिया ज्‍योतिष को .. अपने बारे में कुछ खास नहीं बताने को अभी तक .. ज्योतिष का गम्भीर अध्ययन-मनन करके उसमे से वैज्ञानिक तथ्यों को निकलने में सफ़लता पाते रहना .. बस सकारात्‍मक सोंच रखती हूं .. सकारात्‍मक काम करती हूं .. हर जगह सकारात्‍मक सोंच देखना चाहती हूं .. आकाश को छूने के सपने हैं मेरे .. और उसे हकीकत में बदलने को प्रयासरत हूं .. सफलता का इंतजार है।
  •  गत्‍यात्‍मक चिंतन  
  • गत्‍यात्‍मक ज्‍योतिष
  • ___________________________________________________________________
  • साक्षात्कार सुनिए यहाँ चटका लगाइए

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

आभास जोशी फिर से न्यूजी लेंड जायेंगे

One of the most popular singers of India, known for his energetic and vivacious performances, will return to New Zealand next year to present yet another concert.
Abhas Joshi will perform at the Dorothy Winstone Centre of Auckland Girls Grammar School on June 19, with the support of a talented orchestra.
Top In Town, which has made an indelible impression among the public with its wide range of tasty food items, will present the programme called, Ragas 2 Rock: Abhas Live in Concert organised by Melody Entertainment and Vani Creations Limited.
“Music lovers and fans of Abhas can expect to see him in a ‘different mood’ and present numbers that will transport them to a world of melody. He is as excited as we are about the forthcoming performance,” Vani Creations Director Sandhya Rao said.
Top In Town Director Tanvir Jahangir said he was delighted to be the principal sponsor of the programme.
“Abhas is well known to music fans in New Zealand and I am confident that the forthcoming event will be Top In Town,” he told Indian Newslink.
He said the New Zealand public deserved quality programmes and that he was happy that such a young and talented singer was returning to New Zealand.
Abhas said he was equally excited to come back to “one of the most beautiful countries in the world.”
“My first concert in New Zealand, held on July 25, 2009 was an exciting experience. I look forward to be with the community again,” he told Indian Newslink from India.
Ms Rao said Abhas will present a number of songs that have become immortal in Bollywood, ranging from sober to lilting numbers.
“We are seeking the support of commercial organisations and individuals as sponsors to make this a memorable event,” she said.
As mentioned in these columns earlier, 19-year-old Abhas, known as ‘Chote Ustaad’ or ‘Little Master of Music,’ is already leading the busy life of a singer and performer, with chances to face the camera surfacing more frequently in recent months.
His first film, Aaj Phir Jeene Ki Tamanna Hai in which he plays the role of the youngest son (Jayant) of Shatrughan Sinha and Rekha was released recently.
“I consider myself lucky to be gifted with a good voice but I can progress only with the blessings of God, my parents and elders and the patronage of people across the world, Graduating in music is yet another ambition in my life,” he said.
